Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Muddiest Point 7

Muddiest Point for 10/25

Dr. He recommends connecting via https protocol over http for security and encryption. Can a user opt for that protocol when he is surfing the web, or is that controlled solely by the administrator of a given website?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Muddiest Point 6

Muddiest Point for 10/15

We talked about IP addresses for computers, and I wondered if all the new wireless mobile devices that connect to the Web also have unique IP addresses (smartphones, e-readers, etc.). I could see this as a factor that really increased the demand and pushed us closer to running out of unique IPs.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Reading Notes 6

Reading Notes for 10/16

Local Area Network
Sometimes it's hard to imagine a time when computers couldn't talk to each other. Is fiber optic cabling preferred over a wireless connection for commercial applications because it's faster, or because of differences in security?

Computer Network
At a time when hardware costs where much higher than they are now, enabling the sharing of items like printers over multiple machines must have been a strong incentive. I had only ever thought about networking from the communication and file-sharing perspective. What are the speeds possible for wireless transmission? Not sure I totally understand how overlay networks operate, hopefully we'll address those in class.

Common Types of Network
I noticed there was no mention of a Home Area Network (HAN) in the video. Are they seen as synonymous with Personal Area Networks (PAN)?

Management of RFID in Libraries
RFID tags would combine a lot of basic library inventory tasks into one system, certainly saving time (especially the capability to check out a stack of multiple items at once) and possibly money (although the article talks about the "cost" of RFID without ever defining a ballpark figure for said cost in dollars). If RFID's in the retail sector are generally used as a "throw-away" device, is there a real idea for what their lifespans would be when being used repeatedly? That would seem to have a large bearing on cost and adoption factors.

Assignment #3

Jing Assignment



Muddiest Point 5

Muddiest Point for 10/05

I have no muddiest point this week.