Thursday, December 2, 2010

Comments 9

Comments for Week 13

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Muddiest Point 10

Muddiest Point for 11/29

When talking about Library 2.0, Dr. He discussed using a wiki or blog as a library home page as a means to create a more user-centric experience. What are the risks in opening access to your users, and how do you encourage them to participate without losing what I would see as a necessary amount of control over the content to make sure no one posts something completely offensive or inappropriate?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Reading Notes 9

Reading Notes for 11/29

I don't often give it much consideration because I'm used to it being there, but the automatic archiving of blogs and the way they allow you to have your own personal archive is pretty great. In terms of blogging software, I was really pleased at the beginning of the semester with how easy it was to use Blogger, and I'm sure those tools make blogging a more mainstream enterprise. The practical applications of blogs can extend beyond the social information sphere I'm used to utilizing them in into the professional arena as a means of communication between co-workers. Being familiar with different blogging software and available to provide assistance seems like a good way for today's librarians to increase their relevance to patrons.

Using a Wiki
We currently use a system-wide wiki for co-worker communications at my job at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, so I'm familiar with their organizational benefits. Our wiki isn't much to look at, but it's usually really easy to find the specific information you need, and it's handy when you're working in a system with 19 different locations, which obviously eliminates the option of relying on face-to-face interactions. I wonder ow using a blog for the same function would compare.

That first paragraph describes my life. I have so many things in my "Favorites" list that it's practically un-usable. I need to get on Including tagging under the auspices of library services as described sounds like a fantastic idea, and offers a way to continue participating in our old gatekeeping role in the new digital era. The development of an agreed-upon ontology, while outside the normal folksonomy definition, would probably be an asset for institutional use.

Unrelated to Wikipedia, I wish Jimmy Wales would stand still. It's amazing that Wikipedia's content is volunteer-created, but even crazier that the administrative and behind-the-scenes workings are all done one a volunteer basis as well (except for their single employee). I think as a resource Wikipedia is becoming increasingly reliable, and a large part of that is based in their commitment to neutrality, neutrality, neutrality.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Reading Notes 8

Reading Notes for 11/15

Digital Libraries
The number and variety of entities with administration over some portion of the scholarly information landscape immediately illustrates why navigation of this landscape is so complicated. I cringe to imagine the ad hoc standards some of those groups have come up with in a pinch. Aggregate, collocate, and federate. I didn't even know what collocate meant (: to set or arrange in a place or position; especially : to set side by side). It's interesting that while the Internet is a completely global infrastructure now, so much of it's innovations still come from the US.

Dewey meets Turing
"[Information] technologies were indeed important to ensure libraries' continued impact on scholarly work." That's an understatement. Again we have the publishers cast as villains inhibiting distributed innovations. We poor librarians have such difficulty letting go of our commitment to well-ordered and defined collections, which it seems the rest of the world (computer scientists included) doesn't really give a crap about as long as they can find whatever they individually need.

Institutional Repositories
The Pitt IR ( is a DSpace IR, right? As the proportion of scholarship that exists in a born-digital format increases, it seems almost irresponsible for a university to not have an IR. More evidence of how faculty is outpacing institutions at embracing the opportunities technological innovation provides for the construction and dissemination of their scholarship. Build IRs and change your promotion and tenure processes already, will ya?